Awarded SHIELD project proposal!
We are glad to announce that Novareckon Srl, in collaboration with Spin System and other European Partners, will participate in SHIELD project proposal that has been selected for funding!
The project will be funded by the European Commission under the Internal Security Fund and will run from 1st Jenuary, 2022. The project is coordinated by Austrian SYNYO GmbH, highly dynamic enterprise focusing on research, innovation and technology, expert in urban safety and security.
SHIELD’s aim is to protect places of worship from terrorist attacks. To this purpose, the project will gather EU public and private actors – Christian, Jewish and Muslim organisations, security practitioners, LEAs, municipalities, experts in risk detection and technological partners – to identify, for each religion, critical points in places of worship (e.g. holy water fonts, matroneums, muṣalla) as well as circumstances and rituals (e.g. Sunday mass, Shabbat, Jumuʿa) that are more subject to the risk of terrorist attacks. In addition, SHIELD will identify the religious buildings (e.g. schools) that are potentially more vulnerable, as well as the types of terrorist attack (e.g. gunmen raids, bioterrorism, etc.) that would be more likely to be perpetrated.

SHIELD promotes interregional and intercultural dialogue by involving 19 organisations (including Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders) from 11 EU countries. Training sessions for practitioners and religious leaders will be organised to prove the practical feasibility of recommendations as well as the effectiveness of new solutions and methodologies, which will be tested and validated in joint simulations (e.g. to be carried out through the use of virtual reality).