EDUVIS e-book
We invite you to discover the e-book “Supervision in Education as a Modern Support for the Teaching Process – Trainer’s Guide.
The e-book has been created as part of the Project: “Supervision for Education – Modern Support for the Teaching Process” and gathers information on how to use methods, techniques, and approaches of supervision, enriching them with elements of coaching and mentoring in collaboration between psychologists/educators/special educators and teachers.
You can download the e-book at the following link:
EDUVIS is a project of Novareckon, in partnership with STAWIL Sp. z o. and Project Net, within the Erasmus+ programme, action: KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in the sector of vocational education and training.
The aim of the project is to create, within the framework of transnational cooperation, during the 24 months of its implementation, tools for school psychologists and special educators that they will be able to use in their daily work with teachers. As a result of the project, results will be created that will allow the implementation of elements of educational supervision in schools.
For more information visit our project page: