Satellite Application for River Monitoring

The consortium led by Reply S.P.A. in partnership with Novareckon S.r.l. has been selected among the winners of the “ARTES 4.0” Call for Ideas promoted by the European Space Agency.

FloWatch feasibility study focuses on the development and test of three machine learning models:

1) a satellite-based model to infer riverbanks maintenance needs;

2) a satellite-based machine learning model to identify the most vulnerable riverbanks in case of different flood scenarios;

3) a computer vision model based on 5G gathered images and videos to identify riverbanks in need of maintenance.

FloWatch, aims to be a useful tool for city infrastructure management offices, city emergency management offices, city environmental management offices, as well as insurance and financial entities to:

  • monitor the status of natural and artificial banks to assess riverbank stability and be able to accurately schedule maintenance activities.
  • identify the most vulnerable areas related to river flood and predict flood events to plan for safety activities, update emergency plans, avoid injuries and loss of lives, fine-tune insurance policies and fine-tune mortgage approval algorithms.