Partners of Semantic Analysis against Foreign Fighters Recruitment Online Network (SAFFRON), cofunded by the Internal Security Fund of the European Union, organised a general meeting at the headquarters of Holmes Semantic Solution.
Novareckon is involved in the project, in support of the leader, for dissemination and exploitation activities.
The event was held in Grenoble in Rue Claude Genin 14, on 27th and 28th September 2016.
The event saw the partecipation of all partners, involved in the project:
- Viseo, a French medium size company specialized in information systems and digital marketing;
- Holmes Semantic Solutions (Ho2S), a French leader in the provision of semantic and linguistic web services;
- DIST, a leading joint structure of Politecnico and Università di Torino;
- “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA), a higher education military institution;
- Demetra SPV, an innovative SME formed by a team of researchers, academics and IT professionals.
For more information, please visit the official web-site of the project: http://www.saffron-project.eu/en/home/